1993 was the year it all began, Lord Ahriman and Blackmoon [1993-1996] founded the infernal war machine we now know as Dark Funeral, one of the most intense and prominent Black Metal acts ever!
Dark Funeral has a history of amazing shows around the Globe, with 7 albums since the formation they have a cult following and bringing Black Metal Fraternity together since the start.
It was my pleasure to speak to the founder of Dark Funeral Lord Ahriman on the new release of the “We Are The Apocalypse” and much more. Check out the below YouTube and listen from Lord himself.

Let The Devil In
When Our Vengeance Is Done
When I’m Gone
Beyond The Grave
A Beast To Praise
We Are The Apocalypse
The Band
Lord Ahriman – Guitars
Heljarmadr – Vocals
Chaq Mol – Guitars
Jalomaah – Drums
Adra Melek – Bass