Interview With Norman Skinner of Niviane

By Shadow Moon

Being a well adapted and experience metal vocalist in the metal community, in your opinion what elements has been keeping the passion for the music to continue to thrive?


I am consistently inspired by the various musicians I am working with. Since I am lucky enough to have so many various projects in the works I am not limited to working with just 1 or 2 songwriters. I am getting variety of music sent my way weekly and my song\idea queue usually averages 50-60 tracks I am reviewing and writing vocal melodies or lyrics to at any given time.


Being a well adapted and experience metal vocalist in the metal community, in your opinion what elements has been keeping the passion for the music to continue to thrive?


When a release is received as well as “The Druid King” was it definitely makes me stop and think… we must be doing something right. It does also give me personally an extra boost to want to deliver another release for those new fans. I remember that feeling of hearing an album and being unable to wait for that next release.


We do see there are some great things for you in 2019 coming soon. The Dark Design will be released that year. How has the process for the album been so far in terms of recording while on tour with Nivane this year?


Yes, the rest of the year into 2019 are both looking to be very busy for me. To paint a clear picture of what’s coming up. Niviane begins recording our sophomore release titled “The Ruthless Divine” on August 5th and will record the entire month until we leave on tour in September to support Vicious Rumors. During that time my next release with Hellscream titled “Hate Machine” is planned for a September release through SMG Records. My Fall\Winter will be spent mixing and mastering the Niviane release and recording my next Skinner release “The Dark Design” which I hope to have completed by the end of the year. Hoping to put out music videos with both Niviane & Skinner as well. Then in 2019 fans can expect releases from both Niviane & Skinner. I have other projects and recordings in the works as well but those are my priorities. I am constantly writing and demoing tracks so it’s almost like second nature daily activity for me. I do find it harder to write while on tour for some reason. I’m usually too preoccupied.

Your vocal range is very diverse and it has been well received in Europe, America, and other parts of the world. What do you think keeps the fans begging for more music from you?


I honestly do not know. I just write what I hear in my head and what I as a fan would want to listen to. I can only assume that there are many Metalheads out there that like the same kinds of bands I do and my sound style hits the right chord with them. I also consider myself a very friendly and real person. I treat my fans more like friends or extended family if you will. I may not always remember names and faces but I try my best.


You have done vocals with some bands as a special guest vocalist, what bands or projects you have helped with really made an impact on your musical approach?


I do get approached often to do guest appearances and due to my busy schedule have limited those to official releases and album appearances. I don’t believe to date that any one guest appearance has influenced me in any way. I am usual asked to take a part supplied to me and sing it in my voice, my way.


With 2018 being a touring year for you and next year you are releasing more material, it seems you are a train that cannot be stopped! Can we safely assume you will continue to push yourself and stay active in the heavy metal community?


Get off the tracks I’m not stopping anytime soon. Yes, I am absolutely planning more music and tours. Besides the upcoming Hellscream, Niviane & Skinner releases I have the debut album from my recording project Elemantis in the works as well as writing already for a 3rd Niviane, 4th Skinner & 2nd Elemantis album. On top of all of that talks have started for something else I am not able to discuss at this time that fans will be very excited for. As I mentioned in the beginning of this chat… I want to do as much as I can while I can.

MHF Magazine/Shadow Moon


Disturbingly Good


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