Released by: Sliptrick Records 02.12.22
Format: Online Single
Genre: Post Grunge | Stoner Rock | Alt Metal

Available now at: Apple Music | Spotify | & other major stores

Different Day“, in the words of post grunge group Lieform, “is about the world’s opioid epidemic and our very policy’s control over not only our addiction, but our ignorance and naivetés, keeping us subjugated and simultaneously asleep while they work our own laws against us right under our snoring nostrils and drooling mouths.

It’s a song to wake people up and help them realize that we have the power of change, held back merely by our trained inability to muster under a common goal and stand resolute against our policy makers and subjugators.”

Different Day is from the bands forthcoming album Crimes, set for release via Sliptrick Records on February 7th, 2023.

Crimes (LP) | Released February 7th, 2023 via Sliptrick Records

Lieform are:
Tony Alber – Guitar/Vocals | TC Armstrong – Guitar/Vocals | J Arancivia – Drums/Vocals | Forest Stewart – Bass/Vocals

Band links: Official Website | Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick


Disturbingly Good


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