Released by: Sliptrick Records 11.03.22
From the album: Osculum Pacis
Format: Online Single/Lyrics Video
Genre: Death | Doom | Atmospheric

Available now at: Apple Music | Spotify | & other major stores

Venezuelan doom death group Stratuz have released a second single/lyrics video from their forthcoming album Osculum Pacis set for release via Sliptrick Records on April 26th. The album is already available to pre-order from Shop Sliptrick …here

The band had this to say about the track; “Morning Star refers to the first light we see at dawn, that first star reminding us that the first light of the day reaches the spiritually higher men first, just like the last light of the day. The song represents Lucifer as the bringer of light. Light as knowledge. He is the bringer of light on our planet both in the material and spiritual way, and it’s in the hands of each to find their own light and understanding to wake up from so many layers of lies set through time.”

Osculum Pacis | Released April 26th, 2022 via Sliptrick Records

Stratuz are:
Franklin Berroterán – Voices and Keyboards | Gerónimo Egea – Lead Guitar | Leonardo Rangel – Bass | Diego Cabrujas Palacios – Drums

Band links: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick


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