Dream Evil
Metal Gods
Label: Century Media Records
Out: July 26th, 2024
Playing time: 41:27

It was 1999 when producer Fredrik Nordström met the then unknown guitarist Gus G. (Konstantinos Karamitroudis) during a holiday in Greece. They immediately started writing a few songs. A full line-up was soon established and Dream Evil was born. By the time the gifted guitarist left Dream Evil in 2004 to concentrate fully on his own band Firewind, three studio albums had been released. After that, the gaps between albums were somewhat longer. ‘Six’ was last released in 2017, and another eight years have passed since then. In July, Dream Evil will finally hit the road again with their seventh album ‘Metal Gods’.

The album starts with the title track ‘Metal Gods’. Dream Evil hit the ground running without any introduction. Heavy Metal in its purest form. ‘Chosen Force’ is then a little quieter, starting with clean guitars. A great Metal anthem. In contrast, ‘The Tyrant Dies At Dawn’ is completely different High-speed Metal is celebrated here. Riff-driven with guitar melodies worth listening to and polyphonic choruses. The tempo is kept high on ‘Lightning Strikes’, but without sacrificing beautiful melodic leads. ‘Fight In The Night’ starts with heavy riffs. These once again provide a par force ride. After so much elemental force, the mid-tempo anthem ‘Masters Of Arms’ comes just in time. But ‘Born In Hell’ switches back into the high-speed range. Drums and riffs drive forward. Polyphonic choruses can also be heard here. ‘Insane’ is the next Metal anthem. Characterised by rhythmic riffs. And crowned by a short but great guitar solo. The album ends with another high-speed Metal song – ‘Night Stalker’ and the ballad-like anthem ‘Y.A.N.A’

Can we talk about a kind of comeback after an eight-year break? I think so. And this one is a complete success. Yes, with Dream Evil we really are dealing with Metal gods. Regardless of the speed range of the songs, they all have one thing in common: a high level of melody. Varied songwriting, very good musicianship and a powerful production make for great listening pleasure.

Dream Evil – Metal Gods: https://youtu.be/bQhp1mmraKQ?si=r2gN7XJmtJfh9Dzm


Fredrik Nordström – Rhythm Guitars
Niklas Isfeldt – Lead Vocals
Peter Stålfors – Bass
Markus Fristedt – Lead Guitar
Sören Fardvik – Drums

Track list:

  • Metal Gods
  • Chosen Force
  • The Tyrant Dies at Dawn
  • Lightning Strikes
  • Fight in the Night
  • Masters of Arms
  • Born in Hell
  • Insane
  • Night Stalker
  • Y.A.N.A
  • Album - 9/10
  • Cover-Art - 9/10
  • Songwriting - 9/10


Disturbingly Good


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