Wolves in Winter
The Calling Quiet
Argonauta Records
Out : February 24, 2023
Playing Time : 41:10

Wolves in Winter hail from Bradford (county of West Yorkshire, England). The band was formed in 2020, during the Covid lockdown. With their songs, they build a bridge between traditional and contemporary Doom Metal. The band members themselves are experienced musicians who are still working in other bands now. With Wolves in Winter they only use their first names. Except for Jake, I could find the real names on the internet.

“Cord That Ends The Pain” is surprisingly fast for Doom Metal. But the song offers lower-tuned guitars, a dark atmosphere and a lot of epicness. Later, it gets a little quieter at times. “Nemesis” sounds a bit more calm, more like Doom. “Pastime For Helots” starts with clean guitars that spread a rather positive mood. In contrast to this are the gloomy vocals. Only later does the sound become powerful, which gives the first part ballad-like characteristics. And towards the end, the speed picks up a bit. “Promised Harvest” is probably, next to the title song, the highlight of the album. Here you can enjoy the epicness of Candlemass and the gloom of Black Sabbath. Also “Oceans” starts ballad-like at first, with acoustic guitars. Then, when the rhythm section kicks in with full force, you are once again struck by darkness. The already mentioned title song “Calling The Quiet” closes the album. And after a guitar fade-in, the epic also dominates again. Melody and rhythm changes provide a slight progressive edge. Alongside gloomy guitar parts, clean guitars provide loosening up.

One clearly notices that experienced musicians are at work here. The result is a good Epic Doom Metal album. Wolves in Winter often go beyond the narrow boundaries of Doom. Only the album cover does not convince me. Despite the muted colours, it is garishly colourful by Doom standards.

Wolves in Winter – Promise of gold: https://youtu.be/DUrvltZ6w_E



Ian Buxton aka Izak – Bass
Adam Scroggins – Drums
Wayne Hustler – Guitars
Enzo Annecchini – Guitars
Jake – Vocals

Track list:

  • The Cords That Ends the Pain
  • Nemesis
  • Pastime for Helots
  • Promised Harvest
  • Oceans
  • Calling the Quiet
  • Album - 9/10
  • Cover-Art - 7/10
  • Songwriting - 8/10


Disturbingly Good


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