Paula Teles
Out: April 5th, 2024
Playing time: 30:20

I’ve criticised it many times before, but unfortunately not much is changing. The information on bands and artists that are being promoted is often very poor. This is also the case with Portuguese Rock and Metal singer Paula Teles. She was/is active in Metal bands in her home country – Waterland (since 2020) and Lilith’s Revenge (until 2023). I found the dates in the Encyclopaedia Metallum. She has also recently started a solo project. Four singles and the album ‘Desencanto’ were released under the name Paula Teles.

Portuguese guitar sounds introduce ‘Grito’. Paula’s vocals are also reminiscent of the folklore of this country. But no, this is not a Folk song. Later, the rhythm section kicks in powerfully – drums, guitar, bass. Appealing Folk Rock. The title track ‘Desencanto’ also starts quietly with clean guitar sounds. Paula Teles’ vocals sound beguiling. The song also remains calm later on, with a pleasant deep timbre from the singer. Even when more power comes into play, the contemplativeness doesn’t change much. Only the vocal range shifts to slightly higher tones. For ‘Jogo do Silêncio’, Björn Strid (Soilwork, Night Flight Orchestra) was won over as a duet partner. Things are more rocking here. The sound is a little hectic. However, it is impressive how well the two singers harmonise with each other. And the Swede sings in Portuguese here! Even ‘Inocência’ seems hectic at times. Paula moves back into somewhat lower registers. ‘Na Boca do Lobo’ starts with acoustic guitars and a melody borrowed from Portuguese folklore. The melody is retained even when the sound becomes more powerful. The singer once again soars into the higher pitches. After the piano introduction, ‘Canto do Luar’ is also a melodic and calm Folk-Rock song. ‘A Carta’ (The Letter) closes this album. After the introduction with roaring guitars, this is also a Melodic Rock song.

‘Desencanto’ is a very emotional album. The singer incorporates a variety of folkloristic influences from her home country. Despite all this, the basic orientation is Rock. It lives above all from the richly varied vocals of Paul Teles. To listen to the seven songs, you should allow yourself some peace and quiet. Then you can immerse yourself deeply in the cultural heritage of the singer’s homeland – Portugal.

Paula Teles- Inocência:


Paula Teles – Vocals
Jorge Lopes – Portuguese Guitar

Track list:

  • Grito
  • Desencanto
  • Jogo do Silêncio
  • Inocência
  • Na Boca do Lobo
  • Canto do Luar
  • A Carta
  • Overall Rating - 8/10


Disturbingly Good


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