Greetings from Metalheads Forever Magazine Rich Stafford. It’s been a while, since your last release “The Priest” in 2022, how have you been doing?

Rich – I am doing very well. It’s been a wild ride since our last release. I’ve been pushing myself creatively and personally, diving deep into new material that captures the intensity and raw emotion our fans have come to expect. We’ve spent a lot of time rehearsing and trying to take our music to the next level. Things have been intense, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Your 2nd album Ghostly Ship was out on July 1st. Can you tell me about the songwriting and production behind the album?

Rich – I had a few ideas before meeting up with George, Chris, and Andress. I started demoing some of the new material in my home studio. I presented it to the guys, and we started ironing out the rough edges. Once I started jamming with the guys and we all got a good feel for each other, the process started to come together rather quickly. Because of this new inspiration, it was like a switch was turned on. The songs just started pouring out of me like never before. The music just came to me as did the lyrics. I can’t explain how easy it was this time. The next thing we knew, we had 10 brand new songs ready in just a few months. We went to Sessionworks Studios in Hurst, TX. The great Jeff Mount produced and engineered this album. 

Ten mind blowing songs of metal awesomeness, coupled with great musicianship, and a classic touch of metal infused with the Metonic style has come out so awesome, How, as a band, do you guys feel about the outcome?

Rich – I love it. The guys personalities shine on this newest release and it shows their unique abilities that have helped to create this album. I’m very pleased. 

Andress – I think we all feel very good about it. We went into the studio, knowing what type of record we wanted to make, and we got the sound that we wanted.  We worked really hard on it, and it showed.

Chris – I feel the studio album came out great. It’s always a little different than you imagine it when you’re in rehearsal.

George – The more we rehearsed, the better it got, and we were prepared. I am very happy with how the album turned out. 

Was there a concept or theme behind Ghostly Ship?

Rich – The concept is just simply playing updated old school Heavy Metal. Each song is unique musically and addresses a different subject lyrically. I made a conscious effort to try and try to make each song sound different yet still easily recognized as being performed by the same band. 

Would you like to tell me about the cover art theme?

Rich – My friend, world renowned artist Mike Hamblin, created the original logo for the band and served as the cover for the self-titled EP in 2000. The font used for the band name is the same on every album and the moon is always present somewhere as well. On Ghostly Ship, I envisioned an old pirate ship with tattered sails at sea through a stormy night. For the back cover, where the tracks and band members are listed, Chris suggested we incorporate a Kraken. I liked that idea a lot and went with it. I also thought cartoon like renditions of the band members would be cool too. So that’s how it came to be. 

Are you planning to come up with an official music video from the album?

Rich – We have a theme for a video of Blood on Your Hands ready to go. We are just waiting for the weather to cooperate. Torrential downpours and extreme heat make outdoor shoots difficult. We hope to have the video completed by the end of September. We are also working out ideas for videos of Ghostly Ship and Trip also. 

How are the touring plans coming up for 2024 and 2025?

Rich – We are mostly performing in Texas and the surrounding areas. We hope to get placed on some festival lineups as well. If the right tour presents itself, we’ll jump on. All future and past shows are shown on our official website,, and we update as needed. 

What has been the main focus for the band while writing this album, what are the song ideas and themes that have been on your mind during the making?

Rich – My main focus was to try and be different and get out of my comfort zone, vocally and instrumentally. I never want to be accused of everything sounding the same. With the help of each member’s unique abilities, I think we’ve accomplished that. The title track is about lost souls sailing the seven seas, haunting ships they may encounter. Blood on Your hands addresses corrupt politicians and illegal arms dealers. AI is not so flattering look at the nefarious possibilities if artificial. intelligence. These are just a few examples of examples of subjects addressed lyrically on this album. I just like to tell stories. That’s how I approach lyrics.

Metonic was formed in 2020, with the Debut Self-Titled EP in 2020, followed by The Priest in 2022 and 2024’s Ghostly Ship, how has the journey been for you guys so far?

Chris – So far, the time spent with Metonic has been a very fun and positive journey. Sharing the stage with the other members is a great feeling.

Andress – The journey has been really good. As musicians who have only about six months (with this line up), we formed a good chemistry with the music. We encourage each other and work with ideas and no egos.

George – It’s great to jam with these guys. This is easily the best lineup I have ever played with. Now I’m looking forward to playing the right venues with the right metal bands to blow their minds with great metal.

Rich – It’s a little different for me because I have been here since the beginning. Over the last 4 years I have learned so much and am extremely thankful for all who have contributed to the success of this band. It has been a long few years when we consider the pandemic, closure of venues, navigating that climate and other struggles that come along. Now that we are here in 2024 and Ghostly Ship has come to be, I can say this, I am happy with they way it has turned out. I wouldn’t change a thing. 

There has been some line up changes since The Priest, would you like to talk on these changes and the new members?

Rich – We all have, at various times in our careers, shared the stage together in different bands. There has always been mutual respect. We would go to each other’s shows too.  And as in most things in life, it’s about the timing. We were all available at the same time. Geroge and Chris approached me about jamming together and after we sat down and talked, it became apparent that Metonic was going to continue with these two guys. After an extensive search, a mutual friend recommended Andress for the drums. I remembered him from some of shows we played together in different bands, so I already knew he was a very talented drummer.  He fit in immediately. Once we started playing as a group, we knew we had something special.

What are some of the highlights for the band since the last Interview?

Rich – The Priest was well received, and the title track is going to be in a horror movie called “A Hard Place” directed by J. Horton. Check out its trailer on YouTube. It will be released in early 2025. This is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. And a song off Ghostly Ship, Blood on Your Hands, will be featured in another movie that is in production as we speak. We are not ready to share those details yet. We have maintained a good working relationship with Curtain Call Records, and they really help with promotion. 

George – I became the new lead guitar player for Metonic. Music is my sanctuary, and this is a lot of fun for me. 

Andress – With this current lineup, we have brought together some of the best musicianship and chemistry. We all bring something to the table, and it really shows through the music.

Chris – The best highlights have been seeing how well the response to the new album has been.

Finally, any message for the fans?

George – Don’t let anyone tell you how great it sounds, listen and decide for yourself. I hope to see you soon.

Chris – Music is an adventure. A journey into your imagination and emotions. It takes you to the past, present or future. We’re glad you enjoy the Metonic music. Welcome aboard and enjoy the trip with us.

Andress – When you come to one of our shows, we really want to connect with the audience listening. It’s been really cool to see some people in the audience shouting the lyrics back during songs at gigs. Get out there and help support local music in your area. If you haven’t heard our stuff, check out any of the streaming services for Metonic. 

Rich – Thank you for all your support. There is nothing more enjoyable than performing for the audience. We are there to entertain, and I if you get a chance, come to a show. Add us to your playlists, subscribe to out channels, and watch for updates as they come. Horns up!


Disturbingly Good


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