Perpetual Legacy is:
Michelle Braglia – Vocals
Lucas Fernandes – Guitar
Matheus Maia – Bass and Vocals
Rafael Lobo – Piano and Keyboards
Renan Costa – Drums

On October 19, the brazilian band Perpetual Legacy released the official music video for the song “No Innocents Here”, one of the 20 tracks from their ambitious album “Teodrama”. This song is part of the Fall pillar, one of the four pillars of the biblical metanarrative that structures the album: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation.

“No Innocents Here” stands out from traditional Christian-themed songs by confronting the listener with a profound reflection on what has really changed since ancient times, when sinful behaviors and ethically questionable morals were already common. Today, much is spoken about freedom, power, love, and happiness, but little is discussed about the means used to achieve these ends.

In the past, idols were shaped in bronze or gold, but the message of the song is clear: the greatest idol of humanity remains the same—the self. This song does not carry a message of hope but invites the listener to deeply reflect on their motivations and the pursuit of what we call freedom.

As the lyricist and responsible for the vocal arrangements, Michelle Braglia comments on the inclusion of extreme metal elements in various tracks of the album, including this one: “When we sing a song, we are telling a story. Just as the instrumental should create the appropriate emotional atmosphere for the message, I believe that guttural vocals, at certain moments, make the result more realistic and immersive for the listener. I know some may not appreciate this style, but in our case, the gutturals are a welcome and essential addition to enrich the overall work.”

The video for “No Innocents Here” was filmed and produced by Joninja and can be watched at the link below:

Purchase the album “Teodrama” at the following link:

Listen to “Teodrama” on your favorite streaming platform:



Disturbingly Good


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