Greetings from Metalheads Forever Magazine, I’m Keith the Editor In Chief, how are you guys doing?

Hi Keith, we’re doing just fine, thank you! Waiting to get out playing live shows. And thank you so much for the interview!!!

 Gentle Savage might be new for some of our readers, would you like to give a brief introduction about the band?

Gentle Savage is a five piece rock band playing groovy and quite heavy stuff. Our songs are, as we’d like to say, organic and dynamic. We don’t do much correcting in the studio, tracks are pretty much the way they are performed on the spot. The most important thing is the energy and the groove.  Most of our songs are not really arranged to fit into the modern ’radio friendly’ format, because we don’t want to cut the stories short.

When you see us playing live, our set consists of our old and new songs, so there’s always something fast, something sweet and something heavy for the listeners to dig into.

You can find out more on our social media channels, hope to meet you there!

Can you tell me how it all started for you guys?

The first line up was formed by Tornado and a drummer who’s not in the band anymore. Vance found the band via a musicians forum. In the beginning  we were only a group of guys who wanted to jam, write music and have fun.  Pretty soon we noticed that the songs that we wrote, sounded quite classy. So we needed to raise the stakes by looking for players to form a more professional group.  It took several years to find the right guys for the right jobs and this line up we have now,  has been together since 2019. It feels good and we know that we have the right chemistry and the right attitude for what it takes to make a Rock band sparkle.

 You guys have put up an EP and mind blowing Singles over the years, have you thought about a full length album anytime soon?

We have, indeed.  Our debut album Midnight Waylay is coming out in February 2021. Midnight Waylay is a way of describing an ambush at midnight, or going to a rock show; you never know what’s going to happen out there.

 How has the journey been for Gentle Savage?

It’s been a rocky road in many ways with all the changes in the line ups, health issues and all kind of troubles. Not to mention the Covid pandemic… But now it looks like we’ve conquered the problems and fought ourselves through to the positive side.

 What would be some of the biggest accomplishments over the years?

Releasing the ’Introduction’ ep in 2016 was a major thing for us. Our Karelian Magic video has been widely noticed so those are so far propably the biggest accomplishments.

Althoug, everytime we release a single or a video it feels like being on the top of the world. That’s why we do these things; to get the satisfaction of creating something and if someone else also likes it, cool!

 What would be some of the greatest moments for the band?

Right after the release of Introduction ep we got to play in the RockCock Festival in Finland. Whitesnake was headlining and it felt really cool to grab a beer after our own show and go to the artist area and see the mighty ’Snakes’ do their thing on stage. We felt like ’Yeeaah, this is something’!! Never going to forget that.

Musicians life is not as easy as one may think, there is a lots of ups and downs, do you guys have a back up plan like a full time job, and what you guys do apart from making music?

We all have full time / part time jobs. We have to, because Finland is a fairly expensive country to live in. Some of us give instrument lessons and teach music, one works in a factory, one is a courier…you know, the usual. Tornado is an entrepeneur and he also runs the bands businesses along with his own work.

Apart from music and day time jobs, we take care of our physique and chill out&relax.

What would be the next plans for the band?

This one is easy. We’ll release a new single in December and a lyric video in January 2021. Then it’s time for the release of Midnight Waylay. We’ve just made some arrangements with a gig promoter so when the world opens up again, we are going to play as many live shows as possible. That’s it.

What would you like to tell the World about Gentle Savage?

We are doing things the way we want them to be done. If you like Rock music,  there’s only one thing you need to do; ’Treat yourself and let our magic in. We’ll take care of the rest’.

Would you like to say a few words for the fans?

Never give up hope. Hold on to your dreams, break the boundaries and find your own way!

It’s the only way to go.

We hope to see you soon at a venue close to you!


Watch the videos for the first three singles:

‘Honey Bunny -the Rock’n Roll transformation’

‘Run Run Poor Boy’

‘Karelian Magic’

More information at


Disturbingly Good


Metalheads Forever is a non-profit organization. However, if you like what we do, all support is welcome.

© 2021-2023 / Metalheads Forever Magazine / Created by Black Speech

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