What was the beginning point for your music career?
Dead fiction started off as a 3 piece under a different name in 2017. We made a 3 song demo, an LP and started the recording process for our latest album release before undergoing lineup changes and rebranding to Dead Fiction.
Were there any bumps on the road? What kind of challenges did you have to deal with?
We started recording our album “Product of Allegiance” pre-pandemic with the aim to have it done by the summer of 2020. There were many factors that were out of our control with the studio and unfortunately, the album took a backseat when it came time to mix. The silver lining is that it gave us time to collaborate as a band and redefine our sound, motives and expectations.
What was the most fulfilling and satisfying moment so far?
The most fulfilling moment so far was watching our cover of ‘Animal I have become’ go past 200K streams. It was the first cover we had attempted to play and also the first self recorded song we had done. Our drummer Corey Halliday did a fantastic job mixing and mastering so it felt really gratifying to get to that point without any assistance outside of our lineup.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
Our sound is aggressive, melodic and dynamic. We don’t pay a lot of attention to the genre, we just make the music that we want to hear.
What is your creative process like?
It often starts with a rough demo from one person or even just an idea, then we edit and collaborate from there. By the time the song is finished it ends up being a melting pot of all of our ideas; both with the production and parts.
What has been the best performance of your career so far?
Our best performance was a sold out show at the Worcester Palladium that we played earlier in 2023, around the time of the album release.
What is new with the band at the moment? What are you currently working on and would like to share with the world?
We’re working on new music for this fall and we also have a music video coming out very soon. Additionally, we’re working on our bandroom/studio and upgrading a lot of our equipment. Follow us on instagram @deadfictionofficial to stay up to date!