postcards from new zealand was born in 2008 out of a need to scream very loud.
it’s a coming together of very different people playing different styles and genres.
2022 sees the anonymous project postcards from new zealand embark on an epic trilogy release. Formed of three albums, the betwixt and between collection unveils experimental sounds and new waters being tread. The trilogy begins with the dark and violent burn, witch, burn, manifesting in extreme metal styles including the likes of black metal, sludge and doom.
burn, witch, burn explores humanity’s hatred, how it grows out of fear for the unknown that leads to acts of destruction even against one’s own kind. Focusing on discrimination towards women but also of women and men turning against each other in through the spread of hatred. Thematically, the imagery of historical witch trials and burnings represent this dark side to humanity aptly. burn, witch, burn takes these ideas and places them in a modern context exploring negative stereotypes of women reinforced in our patriarchal, heteronormative, Western Society. It’s about celebrating differences not persecuting them. “on a silver plate” delivers high speed percussion, sludgy distorted guitars and utterly demonic vocals, while “pill fight” brings a slower, mournful pace. Venturing into more progressive territory with the likes of “all the same” and “dead skin care”, postcards from new zealand uses non-standard time signatures and dissonance to craft a despicably disturbing sound.
Journey through the darkness of humanity and watch the flames burn high. Descending into the depths of the extreme metal subgenres and styles, postcards from new zealand has produced a haunting atmosphere the reflects the intense meaning behind the narrative. Noisy, heavy and incredibly impactful, burn, witch, burn opens the betwixt and between collection with a monstrous bang.
About the betwixt and between collection:
The title is taken from the 1967 essay by Victor Turner in which he explores the concept of liminality, based on the work of Arnold van Gennep and his 1909 book Rites de Passage. The idea was to create three albums that would express our deep contempt towards patriarchy and sexual discrimination in three different ways – not to place blame and increase divisions, but to explore the idea of coming together to support each other.
Check out the Interview on the YouTube video below

1.who’s wearing pants
2.on a silver plate
3.all the same
4.pinky swear
5.soccer mum
6.pill fight
7.dead skin care
8.holy bazongas
10.burn, witch, burn