Greetings from Metalheads Forever Magazine, How are you doing today?

We are doing fine!! Thanks for asking Keith!

Your new EP “The Beast Is Yet To Come” was out on April 12, Would  you like to tell me about the songwriting and production behind it?

Yes of course!! After releasing a demo EP, we went on to produce new music. So, at some point, we had several tracks ready to be recorded. We began working on the EP almost two years ago: we hit the Molotov Recording studio on July, 2022. After that, we moved to Drop C Studio where Francesco “Pra” Valentino (our producer) changed various things we weren’t sure about. He also recorded some additional vocals and worked on some issues we found on the electronic, as well as taking out music to the next level by doing the mixing and mastering staff. 

The songwriting process has always been the same for Death2Pigs: the drummer come in with bases and drums patterns, the guitarist and bassist find their own parts, and in the end I lay down melodies and lyrics.

Can you tell me about the work behind the cover art and the theme/concept of the EP?

The cover art was made by Valerio Palumbo, a great cover illustrator and a great friend of pure: we explained him the concept of the EP and he just came in with that amazing drawing!! 

This is the plot of “The Beast is yet to Come” Is the following: 

Imagine a timeline ranging from human birth to a still unknown future, along which historical, cinematic, science-fiction and literary elements intertwine, revealing an ominous key to understanding: the bitter truth is that humans reiterate the same mistakes, cyclically. No matter how wars, prejudice, hypocrisy have already devastated the world, we will never learn from the past. 

“The Beast is yet to Come” is a 6 track EP that investigates the human brutality. It’s a crude representation of reality in which those who try to deny their essence end up face to face with the inner beast.

The 6 track EP is a great metal composition with hard and powerful metal songs, with great melodies with classic touch and a bit of Electronic, and influenced with other genres as well, makes this an epic composition. As a band how do you guys feel about the outcome?

Thanks for the kind words Keith!! We are very proud of both our work and what producers did in the studio. This EP is exactly as we imagined it: furious and sweet, classic and modern at the same time!!

Are  you considering coming up with an official music video from the album?

Yes, we are. Actually, we are talking with our label to choose an appropriate period for filming.

Did you guys do something special on the day of the EP release?

Not that day, but a special release party is coming really soon…

How’s the touring set for rest of 2024?

We have not many dates scheduled for the coming months (except the one for the release) ‘cause I had my third child not long ago, so I need to stay more focused on my family during this period. In addition, Summer has always been a though season for four pig-masked men!!

Can you tell me how Death2Pigs started and Introduce all the members of the band?

It was back in 2015 when Jim Jeeko (the drummer, with whom I had player with since 2009) started this metal/industrial/electronic project called Death2Pigs along with Daddy T (guitarist). It should have been an instrumental duo with bases, but then the two agreed that a voice was necessary, so he (Jim) asked me to join the band, and I was like:”Fuck yeah!!”. Eventually, we were looking for a bassist and we simply called our mutual friend Giugnor (the bassist).

How has the journey been so far?

Being a band is something outstanding, it’s a sort of journey, it’s like being in a family. As in a kind of relationship thought, of course we’ve gone through ups and downs. I mean, it’s no one’s fault, it is what it is. But ups have always been more than downs, and together we evolve, by creating new music, caromg and respecting each other: I guess this is the key to our longevity. And we’ll keep doing this for more years to come!

Would you like to tell me some of the highlights over the years?

We’ve done so many things since 2015, of which we have unforgettable memories: any single gig, photoshoot and rehearsal is special ti US. Four years ago, we were selected for a major italian TV show but we declined cause It was not in line with our phylosophy; last year, however, an indie label talent scout noticed US during a live, and shortly after they got in touch  to sing us. And then there’s a funny one: how can we forget that time Test Parsons himself became an hater for two days, because of our masks?

How as a band do you look into the future of Death2Pigs?

We’ll keep making music, that’s for sure! We love what we do with every fiber of our being, so we Just can’t quit!! We’re very proud of what we have accomplished so far, but still hungry and eager to take our chances.

Death2Pigs, Why the name? And what’s behind the story?

We wanted to have a strong name for our project, to catch people’s ears, and to spread our message. It come from an impact sentence written by Charles Manson (from which we distance ourselves, obviously). We really love pigs as and animal and definitely don’t hate anyone!! 

What is next for Death 2 Pigs?

When we started we plan to release three EPs instead of a full-lenght, so the next step (after playing live as much as possible!) is to compose new music to close this Circle and to focus on our next goal!

Finally what is the message you have for the fans?

Yes: we love you!! You are the reason why we still exist!! Keep supporting us and we Will return all the good vibes!!


1) Frankenstein 

2) The Story of…

3) Laura Palmer 

4) The Beast is yet to come 

5) The Crusader 

6) Wow

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