What was the beginning pint for your music career? How did it all start?
The origins of Luna Kiss go back to 2011 when James, Chris and O (Wil) were at music college together. We finished our course and wanted to start a band.
Was there any bumps on the road? What kind of challenges did you have to deal with?
There’s always bumps on the road as a band, learning to play together is the first hurdle, figuring out your sound and band identity is the second, and then all the van real downs, cancellations, missed ferry’s, loosing guitar… they won’t be the first or the last times…
What was the most fulfilling and satisfying moment so far?
We’ve done some cool stuff. I think at present we’re all really proud of the record and music videos we’re releasing. It’s been a change in direction for us. We’ve co recorded and produced the new record (with help from Matt Hyde). We’ve build sets, directed and co produced our music videos. It’s a very hands on a creative approach we’ve very proud of.
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
We little to say it’s got a bit of swag and grit. It’s lyrically routed in more grey moods of heartache, and pain but the message is one of home, self discovery and respect.
What is your creative process like?
It changes all the time. Usually Chris or I come up with a riff. It gets thrown around on a group chat for Tommy to mess about with, then we enter the live space to jam it. After that I’ll work on lyrics and then we will either progress it live or on the computer.
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
The industry is a tough beast to navigate and it’s not focused on the artist but on the money. It always has been. I reckon if artists could get a better split of streaming we would fair a better chance of survival.
If you were asked to give a piece of advice to upcoming bands, what would that be?
Enjoy every moment. Even the crappy 7 hour drives, slogs in the live room, writers block and shit gigs. It’s what defines you as a person and it’s in those hardest moments you figure out how great your band friends are.
What has been the best performance of your career so far?
We’ve done some cool stuff. Playing in Loreley (Germany) at an old amphitheatre was pretty spectacular.
If you didn’t become a musician, what would you be doing now?
I’ve only ever been a musician. I really enjoy wood work and carpentry so it would probably be that…
James owns a burger chain so he would be a chef I guess…
Tommy is obsession with truck simulator so I guess he’d be a full time truck simulator professional… I know being an actual trucker wouldn’t allow him to make his cups of coffee…Chris hmm I reckon chris would be a house husband haha
What is new with the band at the moment? What are you currently working on and would like to share with the world?
So since February 22 we’ve been releasing new singles every eight week. It’s intense but we love it.
Operate and the music video came out in Feb, Lust For Blood and the video came out in April and NOW, All On Me our latest single is out with a zombie style music video to follow soon!
So I guess if you’ve enjoyed our interview with Metal Heads Forever, check us out on YouTube, Spotify or better yet at one of our shows!