What was the beginning point for your music career? How did it all start?

We are from Paris and we all individually have some great music experience. We have been working on Onsight for the last 6 months.  Onsight is a mix of some band members from our previous band called Alaska, along with some friends with amazing talent to complete our group. We play, as we like to say, some modern métal. We all have some different influences, and bring different opinions and ideas within the band and we think you can really hear this on our first release; Backstabbed. So this a great and exciting challenge for us to be back on stage after 5 years without touring, and we are really looking forward to what’s ahead for Onsight.

Was there any bumps on the road? What kind of challenges did you have to deal with?

New metal scene and stage.  Completely different than 10 years ago but we try to adapt ourselves . New way to release songs, new labels and metal industry.  But every band needs to work on that part so it’s just some bands and timing adaptation.

What was the most fulfilling and satisfying moment so far?

We got some very good feedback on backstabbed, And received some requests to play on tour for 2025. We can say that it’s a good start so far.

How would you describe the music that you typically create and What is your creative process like?

We can say modern metal, We like Metal and we like Trap and rap music so we try to mix everything.  We Start with some Riff from Morgan, our guitar player, and we adjust and and modify all together, then Kevin starts alone to do his vocals part then we modify together, We try to do everything all together to bring a mix of ideas from everyone.

If you were asked to give a piece of advice to upcoming bands, what would that be?

Ask for a loan haha, music is very expensive in that period.

What has been the best performance of your career so far?

(florian) I speak for myself but play with Limp Bizkit in Bataclan in 2015 with my previous band MERGE its was the best moments on stage for me

What is new with the band at the moment? What are you currently working on and would like to share with the world?

We are actually working on 5/6 singles to create our setlist for our first show in 2025. We are also working on two video clips. We are planning our next release for the end of September, so we are all very busy, but exciting.


Disturbingly Good


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