What was the beginning pint for your music career? How did it all start?

IVAN: Actually It was a pint of good beer more than 25 years ago. I was sitting in a pub with my actual bass player Daniele. We were in the same group of friends and we were talking about the idea of forming a Metallica cover band. Then, in a couple of months, I told him: ‘Hey man, we are playing in a rock/beer festival next August’ He was shocked because there were not any other members a part of us. In some week we recruited a guitarist who was a good friend of mine and Daniele’s cousin at the drums. So the 3rd of August 1997 we played our first gig ever.

Was there any bumps on the road? What kind of challenges did you have to deal with?

IVAN: I remember when we had to change some band members in the past or when we had some bad discussion between us due to differences of opinion on the songs we were composing or on the gigs we played with a few people. But finally the desire to make music prevailed every time and here we are, still. 

What was the most fulfilling and satisfying moment so far?

IVAN: It was when we started recording our latest full length project ‘Fight For Your Faith’ during summer 2012. That album was an incredible adventure and we were full of adrenaline while writing and recording the parts. And finally that album opened some doors that was closed until that time.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

IVAN: Stealth is a mixture of genres from Heavy Metal to Industrial and Nu Metal as we love experimenting with various metal styles but we also like maintaining a precise standard of sound. 

What is your creative process like?

IVAN: I am the main songwriter and author of the band but also the other members contribute a lot in the songwriting. For example Lorenzo composed most of our latest single while Daniele is actively taking part in the band’s upcoming music compositions. We love writing concept projects. For example our last album Fight For Your Faith (2014) was a war themed album while our new single ‘The Fake New(s) World’ is more focused on world’s current social and political themes. 

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

IVAN: I would give more money to the underground scene. This is the core of the music and the art in general.

If you were asked to give a piece of advice to upcoming bands, what would that be?

IVAN: Do what you want without any compromise.

What has been the best performance of your career so far?

IVAN: I have had a lot of them with the band. I remember our first gig abroad, in Croatia 15 years ago or our Latvian or Ukrainian tour at the end of the 10s. And I don’t forget our incredible UK tour in 2017. London gigs left us with something special.

If you didn’t become a musician, what would you be doing now?

IVAN: I would be an astronomer without any dubt.

What is new with the band at the moment? What are you currently working on and would like to share with the world?

IVAN: We just released a new single called ‘The Fake New(s) World’ and we are ready to play at Renaissance Festival in London on May our first gig after long time. About new projects, we are composing some new songs . We are about to start recording them and they should be released by the end of this year.


Disturbingly Good


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