AFTERLOAD presents video to the song “From The Ashes” with the participation of Polish Olympic boxer Karolina Koszewska
The Polish band AFTERLOAD published the music video to the single
“From The Ashes” with the participation of the Polish Olympic boxer Karolina Koszewska. The song is, on the one hand, a tribute to the sports achievements and boxing career of Mrs Karolina Koszewska, and symbolically speaks of the value of working on oneself, fighting adversities and not giving up.
This song was recorded in following line-up:
Kamil Tynecki – vocal, guitar
Piotr “Toper” Torbicz – bass
Michał Żardecki – drums
Mix & mastering (audio): Tomasz “Zed” Zalewski (Decapitated, KAT, Vane)
Video edit: Kamil Tynecki
Video shots: Kool Shooters and Cottonbro
Patronage: Związek Artystów Wykonawców STOART
This song is also available at all digital platforms (YT, Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Tidal, Amazon)
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