Iranian symphonic death/groove metal band Khshathra has finally unleashed its debut single, “War Drums.” Premiering originally on Decibel Magazine on September 19th, the track is now available across all major streaming platforms.

Stream/Download the song here:

The release date of “War Drums” carries special significance due to the band’s name, Khshathra, which comes from Khshathra Vairya, a divine figure in Zoroastrianism. The current month in the Persian calendar is named after Khshathra Vairya, adding further meaning to the timing of this debut.

Artwork by Kourosh Zareei

Khshathra’s debut offering, “War Drums,” charges out with a relentless riff and guttural vocals, diving straight into the action. This track combines intense groove with symphonic grandeur, creating a powerful and atmospheric soundscape.

In 53 BCE, the Roman legions, led by General Crassus, marched into the desolate deserts of Carrhae (modern-day Harran, Turkey) with 40,000 men. Ignoring the Armenian King’s offer of safe passage, Crassus chose a direct route across the Euphrates. Facing severe exhaustion and dehydration, the Romans soon found themselves pursued by the Parthian army, led by the renowned General Surena. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the Parthians used psychological tactics, including massive war drums, to intimidate and encircle the Roman forces. The Romans, trapped and outmatched, endured relentless attacks from the Parthian cavalry. Crassus’s hopes of survival were dashed as the Parthians maintained their siege, leading to a brutal defeat. After the battle, Crassus was killed, and his head was allegedly used in a grisly display at a royal banquet. This historical episode highlights how greed and strategic blunders can turn a seemingly favorable situation into utter disaster.

“War Drums” draws on this historical narrative to evoke the emotions of the Battle of Carrhae. Through its dynamic riffs and powerful war chants, the song reflects the Parthian soldiers’ strength, unity, and fury. In contrast, the clean interlude, featuring a Latin spoken word segment and a mournful guitar solo, encapsulates the sadness and despair felt by the Roman soldiers. Khshathra’s music vividly portrays the contrasting experiences of both sides, capturing the battle’s intense emotional spectrum.

Photo by Matin Almas

Khshathra bio:
Epic yet ferocious, Khshathra emerges as a powerful and relentless force from the Iranian metal scene, driven by a mission to resurrect and retell the ancient history and legends of Iran through its distinctive blend of symphonic death and groove metal. Founded in 2023 in Karaj, Iran, Khshathra is more than just a band; it is a vessel through which the echoes of a storied and tumultuous past are channeled into the present.

The band’s lyrical and visual narratives are deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Iranian history and mythology. Khshathra’s music is a fierce homage to the blood-soaked battles, epic sagas, and legendary heroes that define Iran’s ancient past. This ancient land, with its complex and legendary history, provides a perfect backdrop for the band’s intense yet grandiose musical style. Khshathra’s soundscape is not merely a collection of songs; it is a portal that invites listeners into the heart of Iran’s ancient world, offering an immersive experience of the country’s forgotten tales and legendary figures.

Khshathra takes its name from the revered figure Khshathra Vairya, one of the divine entities created by Ahura Mazda, the supreme deity of Zoroastrianism. Khshathra Vairya is celebrated as the guardian of metals, embodying strength, protection, and the enduring spirit of resilience that is central to the band’s identity. This powerful namesake perfectly aligns with Khshathra’s mission to forge a connection between Iran’s ancient spiritual heritage and the raw, unyielding energy of their symphonic death/groove metal sound.

Khshathra’s primary motivation is to illuminate and preserve the historical, epic, mythological, and legendary narratives that have shaped Iranian culture for millennia. The band passionately believes that these stories have been neglected or misrepresented by both Iranian and international media. In particular, they aim to counteract the distortions presented by foreign portrayals, such as the infamous depiction of Persian history in films like “300.” Through its music, Khshathra seeks to reclaim and celebrate the true essence of Iran’s ancient heritage, delivering these tales with the intensity and grandeur they deserve.

Khshathra are:
Kamyar Esmailzade – Guitars, Composer
Mohammad Hossein Saleh – Guitars, Composer
Saman Rashnou – Vocals
Khashayar Zareei – Bass
Arsalan Moradi – Drums

“War Drums” credits:
Videography by Matin Almas, Milad Almas
Directed and edited by Erfan Zirak
Photos by Matin Almas
Produced by Rey Lynx, and Kamyar Esmailzade
Engineered by Rey Lynx at Studio Signal
Mixed by Rey Lynx
Mastered by Rey Lynx
Artwork by Kourosh Zareei
Lyrics by Kamyar Esmailzade

Khshathra Online:



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