©elena di vincenzo

Italian heavy rockers SBARCO release the official music video for ‘The Siren,’ a song taken from the band’s forthcoming debut album to be released via Argonauta Records.

“A man, a sailor, and his odyssey in search of a landing place identified in the discovery of love, hope and the resolution of his deepest self. In this search natural figures such as the sun, the moon, the sea and pagan figures linked to mythology, such as the sirens, are recurrent.
In the video the landing is performed in a theatre; a place where he’s alone with himself and it’s here that he must defeat the demons that torment him in order to find his peace.
Nothing behind me, nothing in front of me; this is why it is so important for me to go on. Do you hear that? It’s the noise of all that has been. Go on.”
 – says the band

Nothing new; three people who met at different times and experienced music in different ways, joined by the belief that expressing oneself, at the very least attempting it, is always better than not doing so. Sbarco are, respectively: Emanuele (There Will Be Blood, Out Of Project, The Sinatra’s, Dio Della Love), Matteo (Nient’altro Che Macerie) and Marco. The album took shape and unfolds as a mental journey through fundamental themes (loneliness, despair, love and hope) where the maritime imagery serves to narrate the simplest and most universal emotions in a mystical and evocative way. The path unfolds by itself; is it relevant to question about its endline? It will always be all wrong, everything to be redone. Or maybe not.

Nebu: vocals/guitars
Teo: drums
Marco: bass

For more info:


Disturbingly Good


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