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The debut EP from Swedish-based Krilloan, “Stories Of Times Forgotten”, was released in May this year and was received with positive reviews from all over the world.
Traditional power metal/heavy metal in high speed, and epic guitar solos in the old European style seemed to strike a nerve among listeners across the globe. The band was picked up by Stormspell Records who released the EP as a CD.
Now, its time! The follow-up single “Angels Sacrifice” was released October 8 and the influences are once again the European masters of Blind Guardian, Helloween and Evertale.
“‘Angel’s Sacrifice’ continues the scorching power metal march that the band began with our E.P. – the barnstorming and rapturous romp becoming a regular feature of the Krilloan sound. Full of pace, power and intent, ‘Angel’s Sacrifice’ is infectious, catchy, and an all-out headbanger!”
Mixed by Kim Lindstén at “Addiction Studio” in Krilloans hometown of Älmhult and mastered by the genius Thomas “Plec” Johansson at “The Panic Room”
Klas Holmgren – Guitars
Steve Brockmann – Lead guitars
Alex VanTrue – Music, Vocals
Marco Toba – Bass
David Lanas – Drums
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