After revealing the first single from their upcoming studio album, Hungarian progressive/melodic death metal prodigal sons NEEDLESS don’t waste any time and are now back with their second song from “The Cosmic Cauldron”. “Odium” is a complex structured song, where the epic cosmic saga of the band gets to a post-apocalyptic musical landscape. A sharp-as-knife riff and a brilliant solo complete the track, foreshowing great things from Needless upcoming second full-length.

Vocalist Ádám Foczek comments: “This song is about an eerie conquest of the homo deus, the Voidian, throughout countless galaxies. With never-ending hunger he heralds the whisper of “The Cosmic Cauldron”: total destruction, Odium.”

Needless was founded during the winter of 2004 in Dánszentmiklós, Hungary. The band started as a home project, and slowly evolved into an active group for the year 2014. Their music basically consists of traditional elements of melodic thrash and death metal with the atmospheric side of black metal with some progressive elements.

All mixed up into a fierce blend of aggression and ferocity, with mythical themes and nihilistic contemplations about humankind in the lyrics. In 2015 the band came up with their first accountable release called “The Dark Spirit of Ages” EP, which received critically positive feedback. After its release, Needless did several shows in its home country with bands like Aggression, Nervosa, Nuclear, Dew-Scented, and Flotsam And Jetsam.

“The Cosmic Cauldron” will be released in early 2022 via UPRISING! Records.

László Bánfalvi – bass
Kasper Botond – drums
Tamás Bárány – guitars
Ádám Foczek – vocals
Fogl Botond – guitars

Digital single:


Disturbingly Good


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