Attractive Chaos
Tame & Conquer
Out: August 15th, 2024
Playing time: 29:05

I have known singer Emma Elvaston for several years as the former front woman of Symphonic Metaler “Beneath my Sins”. In the meantime, she has dedicated herself more to Melodic Power Metal. Attractive Chaos was founded in 2022 together with musicians from France and Italy. The debut EP “The Fire Between Us” was released one year later. The follow-up EP “Tame & Conquer” saw the light of day in August. As the trio has no nominal drummer, this part was once again taken over by Thomas Calegari.

“To The Moon” is a catchy Hard Rock song. Singer Emma Elvaston has a pleasant voice, powerful and clear. The choruses have a slight pop flavour. A good guitar solo is thrown in towards the end. “Magical Powers” is characterised by heavy riffs and powerful drumming with various double bass passages. Evil growls (guitarist Clément Botz) alternate with elfin vocals. Emma moves in higher tone ranges. “Words On A Letter” starts ballad-like and with the sound of the sea. This can also be heard again and again later on. The vocals are partly characterised by their dark timbre. Later, the singer returns to higher notes, but without falling into operatic soprano. Once again, a melodically catchy guitar solo can be heard. The end follows on from the beginning, ballad-like and with the sound of the sea. “Finally” is the next catchy Rock song. Beautiful melodies underpinned by riffs and the singer’s clear mezzo-soprano take centre stage here. “Right Now” starts with heavily distorted industrial sounds. But fortunately, that soon changes. It starts banging again, with real double bass attacks. However, as soon as the vocals kick in, it moves into the mid-tempo range. The vocals are often underpinned by heavy riffs. And again, there is growling. Then the sound behind it seems slightly thrashy. “Obsession” seems Spanish to me at first, thanks to the guitar accompaniment. But here, too, the growls and instrumentation briefly take us into thrash territory. Later, however, it becomes very melodic. Emma sings a duet with guest singer Gabriele Gozzi. The two harmonise well together. A (pop-)rocking ending to the EP.

Who is to be tamed and conquered here? I don’t know. But the fact is, the EP may not be quite as heavy as its predecessor, but it is more varied. Not all of the songs are Power Metal, but the melodic (Hard) Rock is also convincing. A successful follow-up.

Attractive Chaos – To The Moon:


Emma Elvaston – Lead Vocals
Pietro Paolo Lunesu – Bass, Backing Vocals
Clément Botz – Guitars, Backing Vocals

Session Musiker:

Thomas Calegari – Drums


Gabriele Gozzi – Vocals

Track list:

  • To The Moon
  • Magical Powers
  • Words On A Letter
  • Finally
  • Right Now
  • Obsession
  • Album - 8/10
  • Cover-Art - 8/10
  • Songwriting - 9/10


Disturbingly Good


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