Coure Roent
Label: Self-release / Wormholedeath
Out: March 11th, 2024 / July 12th, 2024
Playing time: 42:15

Braindrag from the Catalan capital Barcelona (Spain) were founded in 2013. The idea was to write extraordinary music and present electrifying live performances. Mastermind Enric GS gathered talented musicians around him. But as with many other bands, there were many line-up changes. As a result, the first EP “One” was not released until 2017, followed by further EPs and singles. However, fans had to wait eleven years for the debut album. “Coure Roent” was initially released independently in March of this year. A deal has since been signed with label Wormholedeath. And the re-release was in July.

“Nexe Elèctric” is dominated by hard guitar riffs and no less hard drumming. Mireia Pérez sings in her mother tongue. Later, a short, calmer phase is incorporated, allowing the listener to take a deep breath. “Pro Human Race” is no less powerful. Galloping riffs can be heard. But when this time the English vocals kick in, the tempo is slowed down a little. There are some rhythm changes, both instrumentally and vocally. And later a quiet folkloristic section. “Salta” has already been released as a single. The riffs have a doomy feel. All in all, a rather calm song, despite the sometimes oppressive riffs. Although not really representative of the album, this song should provide a taster. And “Lluna D’argent” is even calmer. And also, less powerful than anything heard so far. The finale is an orchestral outro. “Batec” ends the contemplative part of the album. Hard riffs and powerful drums roar again. The vocals are also strong, as they sometimes have to assert themselves against the double bass. In between, a bass line determines the progression. “Try Not To Fall” is a little quieter again. The vocals are underpinned by sound effects and heavily distorted but calm guitar sounds. The bass can be heard again. The epic “Rhapsody” forms the closing track. First, thunderstorms and rain can be heard. Sound gimmicks follow. Interestingly, another reviewer speaks of a twenty-minute rollercoaster ride through the band’s emotional world. However, the version I have is only just under eight minutes long. Anyway, the singer also lets some growls be heard here. After a quiet half, things get rocky again later on.

I think it’s about time Braindrag shared their work with the music world. On “Coure Roent” you can hear songs of very different colours, but that doesn’t make the album seem like a unified whole. The Catalans are presumably presenting a cross-section of their previous work. But perhaps they really are the rock chameleons they present themselves as on the album. A successful debut album that you can definitely listen to more often, especially because of the different song structures.

Braindrag – Rhapsody:


Enric “GS” Granollers – Guitar
Mireia Pérez – Vocals
Llorenç Arbonés – Drums
Gon Tello – Bass

Track list:

  • Nexe Elèctric
  • Pro Human Race
  • Salta
  • Lluna D’argent
  • Batec
  • Try Not To Fall
  • Rhapsody
  • Overall Rating - 8/10


Disturbingly Good


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