Label: Octopus Rising
Out: June 7th, 2024
Playing time: 22:02

In 2022, Alix, Basile and Florent decided to start a joint project under the name Dislimn. All three had a lot of musical experience. And they wanted more. The sound combines Progressive, Heavy Rock and Doom with the nebulous nuances of Scandinavian melodies. The debut EP “Esmee” was released in June.

Dislimn show their quieter side on “Anxiety”. Acoustic guitars provide the calm introduction. But even later it remains contemplative, even ballad-like.  Florent’s ethereal vocals clearly take centre stage. Also “Esmee’s Story” is an extremely balladesque song. Once again, acoustic guitars introduce the song. And Florent’s vocals are once again convincing. Later, heavily distorted guitars kick in. And from then on, the contemplation is over. The short instrumental track “Gullfoss” then ups the tempo even further. The guitars are distorted again and sometimes sound hectic. But there are also beautiful melodies to be heard here. It would have been interesting to hear how the singer reacts to this challenge. With “In My Mind” we switch to Doom. Lower tuned guitars roar. But only at the beginning. When the ethereal vocals kick in again a little later, things calm down a little. Even when the guitars strike again. The melodic and rhythmic changes add a Progressive touch. The EP concludes with the longest track at six and a half minutes. “Release Me” begins powerfully. A clear progressive flavour can also be heard here. Especially during the vocals, the instruments take the vocals into consideration.

“Esmee” is not really Heavy Rock, as it says in the press release. The EP contains some progressive elements. Now and again, you can hear Doom sounds. What you can hear, of course, is the influence of Scandinavian melodies. This may be enough for an EP. But I think a full album should also give more scope to Heavy Rock. Then the aforementioned intention should be completely recognisable. But the band can certainly build on the EP.

Dislimn – Anxiety: https://youtu.be/_C6UzQjHgPU?si=eKtaMa2-DSTKxKJG



Track list:

  • Anxiety
  • Esmee’S Story
  • Gullfoss
  • In My Mind
  • Release Me
  • Overall Rating - 7.5/10


Disturbingly Good


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