The Antimatter Fantasy
Label: Inverse Music Group
Out: June 7th, 2024
Playing time: 43:01

Finland is home to a large number of great Metal bands from a wide variety of genres. Numento from the capital Helsinki play Melodic Death Metal. Founded in 2010, the first single “Internal Havoc” was only released in 2015, but it took another four years before the debut album “The Cataclysm” was released. The third album “The Antimatter Fantasy” was released in June. Singer Katri Hiovain-Asikainen and the two guitarists Aleksi Vehmassalo and Atte Asikainen have obviously been with the band from the start. The only changes have been on bass and drums. An impressive consistency in the line-up.

“Equinox” starts melodically, full of harmonies. But after three quarters of a minute, the guitar power becomes brutal and Katri Hiovain-Asikainen screams her heart out. Hard, fast Thrash riffs dominate. But Katri can also be melodic and even contemplative, as she proves shortly afterwards. An ingenious melodic guitar solo has to fight against the hard riffs at the beginning. In “Opilion”, hard riffs once again bang out of the speakers. But the singer can easily hold her own with her bitter growls and clear vocals. Even when massive double bass attacks kick in. The same concept also applies to “The Solipsist”, albeit with musical variations. It is impressive how Katri seamlessly switches back and forth between growls and clean vocals. And once again there is a strong guitar solo. After the fast (clock) ticking at the beginning of “Gargantua”, the guitars once again kick in powerfully. This song is very different from its predecessors. It is much more melodic and is dominated by clean vocal passages. Although the band doesn’t want to completely do without the growls of their front woman. This is followed by “Singularity”, which is even more melodic. A ballad is something of a rarity in Death Metal. But this point of calm fits wonderfully into the overall concept of the album. The songstress probably gives her best vocal performance here. And the guitar solo is simply huge. After a two-track breather, “Timetrap” really kicks off again. The Death Metal with the bitter growls is back. It remains varied. “Elevate” then tends very strongly towards melody. Clean acoustic and electric guitars accompany the ethereal vocals. The drums and later also the guitars bring a good dose of heaviness. Another guitar solo is then the crowning glory. The instrumentation of the final song “Dark Web” is almost in the direction of Power Metal. Is there such a thing as Power Thrash Death Metal? If not, then you have to invent it here.

With “The Antimatter Fantasy”, Numento have put out a fine piece of Melodic Death Metal. I’ve already said something about Katri Hiovain-Asikainen’s vocal qualities. But her comrades-in-arms on the instruments are also convincing across the board. Driving guitar riffs and great solos. The drums and bass provide a lot of sound pressure. Not only pure Death Metal fans should listen to this album. Lovers of other Metal genres are also catered for here.

Numento – Opilion:


Atte Asikainen – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Katri Hiovain-Asikainen – Vocals, Kantele
Simo Mattila – Bass
Aleksi Vehmassalo – Guitar
Mikko Virtanen – Drums

Track list:

  • Equinox
  • Opilion
  • The Solipsist
  • Gargantua
  • Singularity
  • Timetrap
  • Elevate
  • The Dark Web
  • Album - 9/10
  • Cover-Art - 8/10
  • Songwriting - 9/10


Disturbingly Good


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