One Band To Rule Them All! – One Unsigned Canadian Band To Play Wacken Open Air 2023

WMBC has been on pause since 2019, due to the Covid pandemic, and has hosted battles across Canada from 2013 until 2019, with one skip year in 2017.
Previous winners have been The Slyde (Toronto, ON – 2019), Centuries of Decay (Toronto, ON – 2018), Profaner (Hamilton, ON – 2016), Vesperia (Toronto, ON – 2015), Mutank (Montreal, QC – 2014), Crimson Shadows (Toronto, ON – 2013).
Wacken Metal Battle Canada Trailer –
Independent Canadian bands interested in participating can apply at
Band submissions will open on November 29th at 6 AM PST and close on December 19th at 11:59 PM PST.
Battles will be hosted in the following cities:
Vancouver, BC, Edmonton, AB, Calgary, AB, Toronto, ON, Hamilton, ON, Ottawa, ON, Montreal, QC, and Quebec City, QC.
All bands will be performing in front of experienced music industry professionals who will be making judgments at each qualifying round based on various categories of professionalism and musicianship.
The National Final will be hosted in Toronto, ON in May 2023 (full date to be determined).
WMBC organizer JJ Tartaglia adds:
“Very stoked to be getting this going again after a long 3-year break. Our team is back together and excitement is in the air. Really curious to know what bands have been up to during this time, which new bands have formed, I know there are some hidden gems out there and hope to see them emerge for the Metal Battle.”
Wacken Metal Battle Canada is part of an international competition that sees bands from across the country battle each other for the chance of winning their spot among 29 other countries’ champions, and represent Canada in an international battle of the bands at the world’s largest outdoor metal festival: Wacken Open Air. The battles have been hosted at the festival for over a decade giving independent bands the opportunity to showcase their talents to an international audience along with the chance to win multiple prizes.
How it works:
Participating cities will host qualifying rounds plus a city final organized by a local city concert promoter where one band will move forward to the Canadian national final (date and city to be determined). The winner of the national final will move on to perform at the Wacken Open Air 2023 and compete against the winners of 29 other countries in a final global battle. All bands will be judged during battle rounds by respected local music industry representatives.
Rules for participation: