Wander Into “Purgatory” With Canada’s FALL OF EARTH’s Next Single Off New Album “From The Ashes” Out April 2023

Photo Credit – Christopher Wood – Listen Media, www.listenmedia.ca
Fall Of Earth, hailing from Edmonton, Canada is a myriad of different styles that all come together in a creative and approachable form of modern, thrashing melo-death and progressive metal. Collectively, each of the four members possesses the highest levels of musicianship while never forgetting to put on the exceptional live show they have become known for delivering. They have a new album coming out this year, their second, and “From The Ashes” promises to be more cohesive and refined than the previous one. While fans wait for this release, they are offering their next single “Purgatory”. They share the story behind the track:
“A recently passed man observes how quickly he is forgotten in the world of the living. With his memory fading from existence and the ones he thought loved him continuing their lives effortlessly, he must wander in a state of limbo. Not being able to accept the harsh truth, the man is left to explore purgatory for eternity without passing on to a heavenly afterlife. Musically, we start off this track with a melancholy bass intro, in a strange time signature of 13/8. The song builds off of this section piece by piece, becoming more full up until the verse where it takes off and comes together. There is an interesting mix of despair and realization within this composition, highlighted by the contrast between sections. I personally think the pinnacle of this song is the first bridge section, where we lay down a heart-pounding, groovy “Gojira” style riff, and eventually bring it back to an alternate chorus to tie all these dynamics together.”
Listen to “Purgatory” at – https://youtu.be/JUf16JDIGXY
Compared to their debut, the band believes that their sophomore record “From The Ashes” is a coherent next step. Although their previous album was far more experimental, they strongly feel like fans will find that they are taking these audio experiments and solidifying them into their signature “thing”. They are confident that listeners will be happy with this transition from songs with cool sections, into compositions with intent and purpose.
With a writing process that is seamless and tracks that come together organically, each song is created in a different way. Sometimes it starts with lyrics, sometimes a guitar riff, they’ve even based it off of drum patterns a few times. In the end, the team effort between the four of them ties together the structure and the result is melodic, and thought-provoking. Their music is recommended for fans of Gojira, Dream Theatre, and Periphery.
“From The Ashes” is due out on April 21, 2023, and available for album pre-order/digital pre-save at https://linktr.ee/FallofEarth
Lyric Video – “Block Out The Sun” at https://youtu.be/zdjISmh9kYA
Upcoming Show Dates:
April 8 – Edmonton, AB – Starlite Room w/ Juliet Ruin, Magnetic, Myiasis, Stuka
Aug 6 – Drumheller, AB – Loud As Hell Festival w/ Jungle Rot, The Convalescence, Pound, Wormwitch, W.O.R., Nomad

Track Listing:
1. Medusa (8:25)
2. The Dead And Soon To Be (5:54)
3. Block Out The Sun (4:24)
4. Path To Self Destruction (6:40)
5. Crossroads (9:35)
6. From The Ashes (5:14)
7. Shores Of War (5:49)
8. Purgatory (6:00)
9. Into The Woods (6:33)
Album Length: 58:39
For more info:
Fallofearthband.com | Facebook.com/FallOfEarthBand | Twitter.com/FallofEarthBand | Instagram.com/fallofearthband