When darkness collides with music, it creates something magical an experience of a lifetime. A Pale Horse Named Death a fine example that proves it all. The creative thoughts of Sal Abruscato is something great.
Sal is no new to the heavy music, especially when he co founded Type O Negative with Pete Steele, and gave the world something phenomenal and proceeded with Life Of Agony. And in late 2009 he founded A Pale Horse Named Death, a dream and towards making something that his heart had craved for so long.
Since the beginning of APHND, its pure awesomeness that has come out, each album was finely carved out and delivered and touched the hearts of fans and the rock and metal community around the globe.
September 24 marked yet another milestone, to be precise it’s a masterpiece that came from the handiwork of Sal and his amazing band “Infernum In Terra” It’s not something to be said or written down, it has to be listened and let it flow inside your heart. This is an amazing ride and an experience.
It was a great pleasure for me to interview the legend Sal Abruscato, He shared some great things and about the album and some great look into the past. The Below YouTube Video is the complete coverage of the Interview.

Tracklist ‘Infernum In Terra’:
1. Infernum
2. Believe In Something (You Are Lost)
3. Cast Out From The Sky
4. Shards Of Glass
5. Lucifer’s Sun
6. It Is Done
7. Two Headed Snake (Propofol Dreams)
8. Slave To The Master
9. Devil’s Deed
10. Reflections Of The Dead
11. Souls In The Abyss
Music Videos
The Band
Sal Abruscato – Vocals & Guitar
Eddie Heedles – Guitar
Joe Taylor – Guitar
Chris Hamilton – Drums
Oddie McLaughlin – Bass
On The Socials