Hard Rock Is Back
Out: July 5, 2023
Playing Time : 42:32
Coastwise come from the metropolitan region of Lisbon (Portugal). The band was founded in 2020. Two years later, the first EP “War Machine” was released. With this release, they moved into the spotlight of the Heavy Metal scene in their home country. In addition, there were positive reactions from Great Britain, Brazil and Spain, among others. Inspired by this, they started recording their debut album “Hard Rock Is Back” in the same year. The result is now available.
The album starts with the fifteen second intro “Make Yourself Ready” – a short but tight guitar riff. Immediately afterwards, the title track “Hard Rock Is Back” follows. As already indicated, Coastwise put a lot of emphasis on banging guitar riffs. Nomen est Omen. And singer Arthur Pagliarini shines with a strong voice and some high Metal screams. The Portuguese don’t take any prisoners with “Vampire Love” either. Once again, the band is going at high speed. “Gimme What You’ve Got” is a bit quieter but no less powerful. First, a bass line is heard before the roaring guitar kicks in. A real midtempo stomper. Also, the vocals are calmer, without high screams. But with a great guitar solo. The bass also shines through again and again. With the ballad “Call Me Again” Coastwise stay in calm waters. But “I’m On Fire” really gets going again. A very melodic Metal song characterised by powerful riffs. “To The Top” is again in the midtempo range. “Jungle Showdown” starts with birdsong from the rainforest before the roaring guitars enter. Also, a melodic midtempo rocker. Also “Waking Nightmare” is rather calm. Towards the end, however, it picks up speed once more. The last song, “Lamb In The Dark”, is another ballad dominated by acoustic guitars. However, Arthur Pagliarini reaches my pain limit with his high-pitched screams. Maybe he should have held back a bit more here.
The album title “Hard Rock Is Back” is a concept. Classic Hard Rock, ballads and some high-speed parts provide variety. Sophisticated song writing and very good musicians deliver a mature sounding sound mix. A successful debut album. You can expect great things in the future. Only the singer should cut back on his excursions into the high-pitched range in the future.
Coastwise – Gimme What You’ve Got (Official Video): https://youtu.be/O0xj9tYWODI

Arthur Pagliarini – Vocals
Histem Jr – Guitar
Aivan Sousa – Bass
Breno Carlini- Drums
Track list:
- Make Yourself Ready (Intro)
- Hard Rock Is Back
- Vampire Love
- Gimme Me What You’ve Got
- Call Me Again
- I’m On Fire
- To The Top
- Jungle Showdown
- Waking Nightmare
- Lamb In The Dark
Album : 9/10
Cover-Art : 8/10
Songwriting : 8/10