Album - 7/10
Art - 3/10
Production - 5/10

Glass Alice
Super Delicious Records
Alternative Rock/Grunge
FFO: Nirvana, Mudhoney, Foo Fighters, Seether, R.E.M., Pixies
There was a time in music where the 80’s gave away to a 90’s styled hangover where a DIY punk ethos rejected the larger than life music that was en vogue at the time and had they been around at this time, Glass Alice would have fit perfectly in this movement. The native Ohioans have created something of a labour of love with their debut album ‘Bitten’ and with it, Glass Alice take us on a tour of their garage.
In under 35 minutes, ‘Bitten’ smashes down the doors. This is an album which where raw would the wrong description, if this were steak, it would be rare; cooked just enough to be tasty in all the right places for those alternative rock and grunge aficionados to thoroughly enjoy. ‘Bitten’ has all the hallmarks of Mudhoney flirting with Nirvana but with the commercial appeal of Foo Fighters or Seether, whilst tracks such as ‘Dirty Wings’ show that Glass Alice are capable of a more sensitive nature with a verse that hits R.E.M. at their most searching before they found big time success. All this means that ‘Bitten’ is quite easy listening and the songs are quite easy to pick up meaning that even the most hard-faced metalhead will be tapping their foot.
Glass Alice have delivered a decent album that in the right hands has the potential to go far. Although it may not appeal to everyone, those that it does will adore it. What do you say to that? More of the same lads.

Album - 7/10
Art - 3/10
Production - 5/10