What was the beginning pint for your music career? How did it all start?
Alex_Y : “ It all started when I moved to St. Petersburg and met Sydius on one of the music forums. It so happened that one day he came to my house to rehearse and got sick. And stayed for a while). And here we go)) It was in 2009.”
Syd : “ It’s such a long process, consisting of so many actions, events, practice, education, acknowledgements. You can measure by visible points like releasing an album. But what lies beneath is a whole musical life”
Glam Dickens : “I cannot say that my career ever started. I don’t see where this point is. I’ve been just playing for 20 years, made few records, yes, but cannot say ‘career’ at this point. “
Was there any bumps on the road? What kind of challenges did you have to deal with?
Alex_Y : “There were many of them. I can’t remember all of them at once. I can highlight the main thing: we started writing the album in 2014, we recorded the drums and bass and then we couldn’t decide on the sound concept of our project for a long time. It took us 6 long years to understand how to do it.”
What was the most fulfilling and satisfying moment so far?
Alex_Y : “We finished our debut LP. Through pain and blood, but we finished it. We couldn’t go on without it. We also released our first music video.”
Syd : “Presence of a tangible result – it lightens with joy, but nothing would be possible without adoring the process of composing, recording, rehearsing by itself”
Glam Dickens : “Visiting new places, cities, countries, playing at new venues, meeting new people. It’s like being a tourist. “
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
Alex_Y : “We call it arctic-dreams-metal. It’s such a raging mix of classic heavy metal styles with classical music and electronic gothic.”
Syd : “I loke highly concentraited and excessively detailed music texture”
What is your creative process like?
Alex_Y : “Well, while I’m composing all the material. Then I let all the musicians read it and we make some changes, usually already during the recording”
Syd : “Routined and dull, like average work”
If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
Alex_Y : “I would change the mechanism for monetizing audio content. At the moment, most bands only make money from two sources: concert royalties and merchandise sales. But not everyone has the opportunity to go on tours and make merch. I hope that in the future this problem will be solved”
Syd : “Create more listeners with infinite spare time so every artist could have his own stadium of fans )”
Glam Dickens : “May be inventing kinda bans or filtration for bands on releasing their music. Now every one got Internet, so every one can upload his shitty-sound music and then promote it like it’s the best. “
If you were asked to give a piece of advice to upcoming bands, what would that be?
Alex_Y : “Look for a twist in your art. You have to be different from thousands of other teams, and I think that’s the only way to get noticed today”
Syd : “Make good music, don’t make bad music”
Glam Dickens : “give up! “
What has been the best performance of your career so far?
Alex_Y : “We haven’t had a chance to perform properly yet. As I wrote above, we thought about the concept of the album for a long time. But it’s still ahead of us, we’re working on it.”
Syd : “Every time is the best”
Glam Dickens : “Every time I got up on stage is like the first one which is going to be the best. Another time you may think oh, this one is the best, and so on. So, I can not figure one out. Every time I do my best to make the performance the best.
If you didn’t become a musician, what would you be doing now?
Alex_Y : “I don’t know)) I would probably be a writer.)”
Syd : “Something philosophical and intelligent. Maybe a webcam model”
Glam Dickens : “I’ve been doing it for so long so I just had no time to think about the other way. “
What is new with the band at the moment? What are you currently working on and would like to share with the world?
Alex_Y : “Well at the moment we are completing our new recording studio and we will start recording the new album right away.”
Syd : “While there’s some time during the preparation of new ideas I can dedicate my efforts to improve perfomance skills, study some techniques”