AUTHORS OF FATE is a newly formed band consisting of seasoned veterans from the heavy metal bands Kaustik, The Slow Forward, Killix, and Rattlehead. Collectively these musicians have extensively performed throughout California, toured the U.S., filled in for acts in Europe and Australia, and played shows with numerous notable metal bands over the years. Their mission is to create aggressive heavy music that is genuine and professional, layered in technical prowess, as well as a lyrical depth that explores the darker philosophies of the human condition and social toxicity plaguing the current world. They write music that appeals to them, as fans of a diverse catalogue of heavy genres, to give the audience an outlet to channel and release the rage and sorrow that builds within us all.
AUTHORS OF FATE brings a unique sound that blends genres, while staying true to the aggression and intensity of extreme metal.
It was my pleasure to have Elan Mlagenovich for an Interview, Check out the below YouTube video for the complete coverage.

- Tell Me Another (3:48)
- Thorn In The Side (3:44)
- Triggerman (3:53)
- My Favorite Sins (3:44)
- You Will One Day Be Thought Of For The Last Time (3:21)
The Band
Robert Brunelle – Vocals
Elan Mlagenovich – Rhythm and Bass Guitars
Francis Ausley – Lead Guitar
Bob Skau – Drums
Live bass by Levi “Gizmo” Henderson