Germany’s Cult Thrashers “Necronomicon” is no new name to the metal world. They been storming the stages in Germany and the world since the early 80s with the release of their self titled album and with 10 albums in the fold.

The Final Chapter is the 10th and new album in the sleeve, bringing members out of Germany and taking new paths yet staying in the Necronomicon sound.

The album has the power, speed, amazing songwriting, beautiful musicianship and everything came out so good on the Final Chapter.

It was my pleasure to have Rik Charron the drummer for an Interview. Check out the complete coverage on the YouTube video below.


  1. I’m The Violence
  2. The Final chapter
  3. Wall Of Pain
  4. Purgatory
  5. Burning The Fury
  6. Spilling Blood
  7. Selling Nightmares
  8. World On Fire
  9. The Devils Tears
  10. The Unnamed
  11. Me Against You
  12. The Stormreaper

Music Videos

The Band

Freddy – Vocals, Guitars
Marco – Bass
Glen – Guitars
Rik – Drums

Necronomicon On Socials



Disturbingly Good


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