Brothers Of Metal – Emblas Saga

Album Review By David Kerber

Two years after their debut, the Brothers of Metal kidnap us to Walhalla again and tell us more god stories. This time, among other things, Thor’s hammer is stolen and the Valkyries ride into battle.

The album begins with a spoken intro that summarizes what will be told throughout the album. A little film feeling is created with a kind of film music and background noise.

This is followed by twelve epic metal anthems, which follow roughly the same scheme. Melodic riffs, alternating female and male vocals, fat choirs in the choruses and in between one or the other guitar solo. With some songs, the hardness factor is sometimes reduced in favour of an acoustic interlude, so that you can take a breath. With “Weaver of fate” they even have a classic ballad at start, which is mostly intoned by Ylva. The rest of the album sounds a bit like its predecessor with the only difference that more symphonic elements have been incorporated.

All in all, Emblas Saga is quite entertaining, but a track that deserves the title “hit” is once again to be found in vain. However, the disc is mass-compatible, and of course suitable for parties. More is probably not wanted at all. The Brothers of Metal want to entertain people and they do it pretty well.Brothers Of Metal – Njord:


Ylva Eriksson – Voice of the Valkyries
Joakim Lindbäck Eriksson – Battle Cries
Mats Nilsson – Tongue of the Gods
Dawid Grahn – Guitar
Pähr Nilsson – Guitar
Mikael Fehrm – Guitar
Emil Wärmedal – Bass
Johan Johansson – Anvil and War Drums

Label: AFM Records

Out: January 10th, 2020

Playing time: 55:22

Track list:

  • Brood Of The Trickster
  • Hel
  • Chain Breaker
  • Kaunaz Dagaz (Dawn Of Fire)
  • Theft Of The Hammer
  • Weaver Of Fate
  • Njord
  • Emblas Saga
  • Brothers Unite
  • One
  • Ride Of The Valkyries
  • To The Skies And Beyond

Rating : 7/10

MHF Magazine/David Kerber


Disturbingly Good


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