Descaso was formed in 2012 by students of biological sciences at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), on the coast of Brazil. Following the roots of rock’n roll and blues, with influences also on punk rock and hardcore, Descaso brings in its lyrics all the energy and rebelliousness of bohemian life, attracting university students and workers who identify with the lifestyle.

Descaso’s songs are a portrait of the everyday life of people and Latin American society, telling stories of characters with different paths and personalities. There is also no lack of lyrics with a good ironic pinch
(direct indirect) of social criticism, attacking all forms of conservatism that surround our capitalist society, a fact evident in the new single “Farsa”.

With its characteristic black and yellow, Descaso attracts attention at any festival or venue. Currently, the band is with its third formation, residing in São Paulo – Brazil, and going strong with its sound!

Ivan Laurino (Vocalist)
Ramon Frias (Bass player)
Gabriel Izar (Drummer)

Contacts and Social Networks:
Instagram: @bandadescaso
Youtube: @DescasoRock
Facebook: @descasorock


Disturbingly Good


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