I know you’ve been listening to
-An Interview-
Aggressive yet sexy, powerful, dark and dangerous music.
This is how they define their work.
“Something like a beautiful, tasty fruit with a razor blade inside.”
Do they know how to paint a vivid picture or what?
I choked on my pineapple chunks.
Their music videos are mini masterpieces that capture the essence of horror in film, cross-bred with high couture aesthetics and dark elaborate art.
They certainly have my attention and I would love to hear more about murder-rock and sociology.
–Hiya! Did it ever occur to you what kind of results we get on search engines when we look for band porn?
Of course ! And I found that very funny. People are always asking me about that and I love it. “ What are you listenning to ?
– I am listening some PORN !
– ah…ok”
I love that.
-Mr Strangler, I’m on to you. You are much more than yet another tattooed rock star. You studied psychology and sociology. Do you use your knowledge and understanding of the human brain to get us to like your band?
Of course ! I am a kind of spin doctor ! And this is so efficient, we sells millions of disc and I choose a helpful name for my band !
It mostly helps me to understand the world and mankind Which is not that easy …
-You’ve done a few rather famous covers. Any faves?
Maybe Call me cause , the song helps the band a lot. And probably the new we are woring on ! We are working on two new covers, to be released in april I think.
-Let’s talk “Domination”. If you were to rule the world today, just for a day, what would you change?
I will kill all humans. I am not kidding. It’s my first novel, Contoyen, it’s the main character’s goal. We are a plague, nature does not need us.
-Your music videos on Youtube get comments like:
“Wow! There’s something in all this that made me hold my breath for a while! Music and singing like a labyrinth to the surreal world!” (actual comment on Youtube).
Do you work with a concept artist or you do you come up with each story yourselves?
The new album, The darkest of human desires – Act II is the second part of a trilogy. The Ogre inside – Act I is an album about inner struggle, about dark desires, how society can opresses your will. This is a fight no one can win, the Ogre that devours you from the inside always wins..
The album is an invocation, a way to set the Ogre free, embrace your ”true”self and allow your darkest desires to express themselves. It’s an incitement to act.
In this trilogy, The Ogre inside won this inner struggle, giving birth to Mr Strangler.
In the Act II : The Darkest of human Desires, Mr Strangler, by embracing his « true-self », expresses his dark impulses without limitations and has no boundaries. With his crew, Mr Strangler commits murders and massacres. He also invites everyone to make a step forward and act, invites you to express your darkest desires and join his death cult. For Mr Strangler and his team, the Ogre is released ! Let the massacre begin ! Let the darkest of human desires be : murder .
Musically , the Act I is probably more lugubre, more introspectiv and melancholic . The charactere is this Act, is struggling , looking for himself , like a sad child.
In the Act II, Mr strangler is enjoying what he is doing, so the atmosphere is less melancholic, but still dark, cause even If he is enjoying murdering people, he remains a sad man. In this new album i wanted to recreate the frantic aspect of Mr Strangler, his weird joy murerduring people, that’s why this album is more powerful, less melancholic but still dark and lugubre . Mr Strangler is a serial killer. It’s not a easy thing to accept that. Yet today, being an homosexual is difficult. All the adolescent who are living their adoslence being gay knows it. So imagine as being a killer ? It’ wasn’t easy for Strangler… For example, Jehfrey Dahmer, an american serial killer you can hear in the song „Here for love“ , killed homosexuals because of his own homosexuality and most of all because his homosexuality was innacceptable for him and his family…
But Strangler is accepting is true nature , and is accepting the thing that he enjoys to kill people. Mr strangler is a killer as some people are heterosexual or gay, or bisexual… Some psychiatrists claims that serial killers are killing for sexual purpose. I can agree with a part of that. We can say that killing is a kind of sexuality. And in fact, if you can be abstinent as gay or hetero or bisexual, you can be abstinent as a Serial Killer. So maybe the word Serial Killer is not the best to describe the subject. It’s more about desire . The desire for a person, a body , an object ( fetishism) , or things… Do you feel pleasure by killing people ? Mr Strangler do. And to be more precise , he loves to see fear in the eyes of the people is going to kill. There is no better thing for him than to see someone begging for his life.
-Your personal interests include: Life, death, sex, murder, murder, murder. Which of the above did you accomplish today?
All. About death, for example. A part of you is dying everytime, and an other part born. You are changing evolving, a part of you die in this process. You are murdering yourselve every second of your life. And by contributing in the evolution of your friends , relatives, you are murdering them…
(Anything you say cannot and won’t be used against you in a court of law)
-If you were to have tea with David Bowie what would you ask him?
I will probably not say anything. I will enjoy the tea with him.
-You are doing a trilogy. The concept is brilliant. Could you please let our readers know what it’s all about?
-So we are fighting the beast, the Ogre that threatens to devour us. Who wins? Unexpected plot twists?
I can not tell about the end of the trilogy… Maybe the ogre wins, maybe Strangler. Maybe Strangler will becom the Ogre. Maybe The Ogre will be Strangler. In the second act , they seems to be both angry.
-Ok guys! Tell us everything about “the darkest of human desires – Act II” release! We are all looking forward to your next work!
Musically it’s a kind of Industrial Rock, Gothic and Metal album. The best way to know about it is to experience it, like sex.
MHF Magazine/Chelf