Label: AFM Records
Out: July 5th, 2024
Playing time: 31:26

Kryptos are an established band from the South Indian metropolis of Bangalore. The band was founded in 1998, but that’s not quite true – before that it existed for two years under the name ‘8 on the Richter’. Only singer and guitarist Nolan Lewis remains from the original line-up. I have already seen the band live twice, most recently on their European tour in June 2019 at bambi galore in Hamburg. I really enjoyed their last two albums ‘Afterburner’ (2019) and ‘Force Of Danger’ (2021). Now the seventh album ‘Decimator’ is finished and will see the light of day at the beginning of July.

As usual, the instrumental melodies of ‘Sirens Of Steel’ are countered by the angry, rasping vocals of Nolan Lewis. Lead guitarist Rohit Chaturvedi plays a great solo for the first time. These only changes slightly on the rhythmic, riff orientated ‘Fall To The Spectre’s Gaze’. Rohit is able to shine once again. Even ‘Turn Up The Heat’ is characterised by good guitar work. The interplay between rhythm and lead guitar works excellently. Drummer Vijit Singh provides a good drive. ‘Electrify’ is again very guitar heavy. The instrumental interlude ‘Solaris’ is dominated by calm, clean guitars. It is probably intended to replace the ballad, which would otherwise be sorely missed. In the title track ‘Decimator’, the Indians go into full throttle again. The fastest song on the album so far. Drums and riffs drive forward. In The Shadow Of The Blade’ is also high-speed Metal. ‘Pathfinder’ is again very rhythmic. Because of the melodic lead, the song could be categorised as a Metal anthem. ‘We Are The Night’ also sounds very anthemic. With a huge guitar solo.

Nolan’s vocals are likely to divide opinion. Over the entire length of the album he bawls and roars, monotonously, with almost no variation in his voice.

That’s what I wrote in my review of ‘Force Of Danger’. And it’s still largely true. Although the last two songs on the album in particular show that Nolan can definitely do more. There are obvious signs of further development here. In any case, the high standard of Kryptos’ albums is impressive. With ‘Decimator’, the Indians have produced a worthy successor.

Kryptos – Electrify:


Nolan Lewis – Vocals, Rhythm Guitar
Rohit Chaturvedi – Lead Guitar
Ganesh K – Bass
Vijit Singh – Drums

Track list:

  • Sirens Of Steel
  • Fall To The Spectre’s Gaze
  • Turn Up The Heat
  • Electrify
  • Solaris
  • Decimator
  • In The Shadow Of The Blade
  • Pathfinder
  • We Are The Night
  • Album - 10/10
  • Songwriting - 9/10
  • Cover-Art - 8/10


Disturbingly Good


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