Album - 7/10
Art - 6/10
Production - 9/10

Edge of the World
Mighty Music
Hard Rock
FFO: Alter Bridge, Black Stone Cherry, Daughtry, Bon Jovi, Creed, Volbeat, Nickelback
All you need is love, sang The Beatles back in 1967, but they were wrong. All you need is a catchy hook and melody and the song will follow suit. Silvera know this; and the Danish hard rock band have this in bucketloads as they prepare to release their debut studio album ‘Edge of the World’.
The world has a lot of hard rock bands who place their emphasis and pride on being able to create hard rock with a melody and vibe so infectious you’ll be humming it for days. In fact, you’ll be humming it all the way to the record store where you’ll purchase the album and not entirely sure why you bought it. The downside to this is that many of those bands lack the integrity and working mentality that oozes from Silvera. ‘Edge…’ is an honest album, it is real life and yes, it does have that accessible excellent production that makes it so sleek it drives itself out of the showroom, but the songs have real tenacity; this is not an album of fodder tracks with one big single ready to eaten up by the American machine, it is an album of enjoyable tracks that hard rock fans will adore. Tracks such as ‘Promise’ and ‘The Reckoning’ have all the power of Alter Bridge, Black Stone Cherry and Daughtry whilst the title track gives the sound of a ‘Crush’ era Bon Jovi playing with Scott Stapp. But, it is the vocals of Michael Krogh that sit somewhere between Volbeat and Nickelback which really put this album on the commercial map and at unconscious listening, there are times you could swear blind that it was Michael Poulsen. Furthermore, one of the main highlights of ‘Edge…’ is ‘Everything We Are’, a powerful duet between Krogh and the wonderful Kobra Paige from Kobra and the Lotus which proves Silvera have what it takes to play in the big leagues.
With ‘Edge…’ Silvera have the songs and they have the talent, the only real drawback may be a lack of identity; but for the moment, it’s time to appreciate fully what this band are capable of and that is good quality hard rock that has the potential to catapult this band into the stratosphere. Watch this space.

Album - 7/10
Art - 6/10
Production - 9/10