Greetings from Metalheads Forever Magazine, how are you doing?
Hi, everything fine here, Thanks! Really happy and thank you so much for this space dedicated to my heavy metal project It Will Last.
Nightmares In Daylight was released last year September, Can you tell me a bit about the production and songwriting behind the album?
Yes of course. Nightmares In Daylight songwriting starts more or less three years ago. In that period I was very motivated to create new music. I started having fun in rearranging two tracks previously released in my other cd-album entitled “Slender Hopes” (released in 2010). These two songs (“It will last” and “Flying to the rainbow”) so newly rearranged conquered me and were an inspiration for the songwriting (both music and lyrics) of all the other songs included in “Nightmares in Daylight”.
Moreover, one of these two old songs rearranged (“It Will Last”) gives also the name to the project itself.
After a long songwriting effort I decided to play and record all instruments (bass, guitars, drums) as already done for the previous Slender Hopes project.
Nightmares In daylight has been played, recorded and produced all by myself in my private music studio in Rescaldina (Mi) Italy “Rock and Music Studio”.
I have been dedicating much fun, patience and attention in producing Nightmares in Daylight album in last 2 years so now, next step is to produce also other bands and projects in my studio.

What was the concept that was put behind the album?
The concept of this album is very important because it tells about many aspects that are consuming the world we live in.
Mankind is weak and “fall blind in sins”. Power, envy, money, pride, bad use technology, waste of time and lost respect for the environment are just some of the topics sung by It Will Last.
Our world slowly runs to devastation (no respect for nature and people, bad communication, violence, and many other aspects), but I think every “thinking creature” of this planet could improve a little bit and try to do his best and be grateful for life every day.
It Will Last a project by Simone Carnaghi and Daniel Reda, how do you both come together and formed this, can you tell me a bit about the formation?
It will Last is my creation. I’m a multi-instrumentalist musician/composer as well as music teacher (bass, guitar, drums, music theory and harmony). I’ve started with this profession more than fifteen years ago.
Daniel Reda is a great friend of mine since 1997, we have played together in his previous band called Pandaemonium in two different periods. The first one with me on guitar on a demo and also in several live gigs, then I have played all drums for their second studio album “Return to reality”.
Daniel is a great singer and a very good person. I’ve decided to call him to give voice to this project recording all the vocal lines I have composed for It Will Last “Nightmares in Daylight”.
Daniel is not exactly a heavy-metal-progressive singer, he can be defined more an epic-power metal singer. This is a peculiarity that I absolutely love to hear in these songs because his voice gives a touch of personality and originality to the tracks, creating something different from what a listener can expect.
Will there be more expected from you guys in the near future?
I really hope to do many other interesting things
For example something new… is coming soon Stay tuned on our webpages (YT and Facebook).
Now we are looking for a good metal drummer (not so simple in Italy…few and always busy with many projects), but we have already found two guitarists…so let’s see what happen …
Me and Daniel purpose is to create a band and start live gigs to be held firstly in Italy and soon after possibly abroad.
I’d also like to compose new stuff for another It Will Last studio album in the future (with or without a band).
How has the reach been since the release last year?
We are really happy! More than expected happened so far! Great visibility opportunities, many good interviews, some excellent reviews, Lots of radios appreciated our music.
We are really grateful for all this and a great “shout out“ goes to Mr.Jack of Wanikiya Record in Italy, The person who is supporting us with the promotion of the cd-album. Great person and great professional !
Nowadays is very difficult to promote a new band. There are many projects and it’s really hard to create something new talking about music.
We try to do our best with great dedication. We hope It Will Last… will last !!!
What are some of the big moments for you guys?
I think many things in general. Every situation where we are considered with interest is for us a great pleasure and satisfaction.
For example the song “Bound” has reached the first position on radio Marlab in Denmark. We have been interviewed on tv at Linea Rock in Italy by Marco Garavelli.
All reviews so far have been very positive.
So, thanks a lot to all people who appreciate our music!
How is the musical experimentation be in your upcoming albums?
Hehe… My love for the ’80 and Iron Maiden of that period will remain clearly visible also in another It Will Last albums… obviously I’ll try to insert other new elements as I did in Nightmares in Daylight.
I like progressive rock music… I like very much choirs… as you can hear in my songs… I don’t know the final result of new stuff in the future… I’m curious too
Touring Plans?
Wow… For me will be a very good satisfaction to possibly bring my music on stage. I hope to find good band mates as Daniel to complete It Will Last Band.
I’ve many desires, one of them …will be maybe playing at Wacken open air festival …I think the same dream of all Heavy-Metal listeners
Message for the fans around the world?
Yes, I try to give a positive message…
Love your life, respect each other and don’t forget “Time Is Life”.
Please if you also love music, buy music and do not download for free For an artist
it is very important if a fan buys his album and put it in his own collection.
Thanks a lot Metalheads Forever magazine for this interview and I hope there will many other occasion in the future to talk about us.