What was the beginning pint for your music career? How did it all start?

Hi there, thank you for your interview:) Music started for me I was 3-4 years old. Classical background. And then after study I always had music in my heart but had to develop others skills such as painting, PR and management, accounting , fashion design and recently deeply working on my healer skills. BUT music is first ( after my beautiful kids:))) and it always came back through collaborations, bands till VAYA appears clearly as the one!

Was there any bumps on the road? What kind of challenges did you have to deal with?

First? My parents; «  You want to be a singer? But this is not a job! » I was clearly destroyed but my hope was still burning. I do understand how hard it is to hear that your kid wants to be an artist and not something that looks like a «  secure job ». Then of course toxic relations involved into music, « crash band » because we are not reaching the same goal, missing label contract , re start and restart and restart. Some how I don t know why all time I was putting away this idea of making live my music  and feeling that it was dead in some point ( no more inspiration and courage for it), sounds and lyrics came back to my mind….. I am clearly defined by music.

What was the most fulfilling and satisfying moment so far?

I am on it. The process of this second opus is massive but so interesting!!!!

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

U.N.I.Q.U.E. 😀

What is your creative process like?

Well it sounds like a flow always running on my mind, under my fingers etc… I can write about everything:) I receive all this colors and try my best to translate it on music, lyrics, vibrations.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I don’t know honestly, I am not  so aware of all that is happening in music Industry. For example I feel awards ceremony clearly more flat than before. I was recently watching an unplug of Prince ( solo on the guitar), you understand why they called him Prince of pop! Worker worker worker. I am not sure if the talent and especially the vocal talent are that powerful than before. It is another generation and I feel a bit bored about it so I am not involved enough to give a good point of view about it:)

If you were asked to give a piece of advice to upcoming bands, what would that be? 

Give us some shivers!!!!!!!;)

What has been the best performance of your career so far?

I am on it!:)))

If you didn’t become a musician, what would you be doing now?

Still singing in my heart and for other one. I will be as I am now, healing, loving my family, painting and writing.

What are you currently working on and would like to share with the world?

I want to share a piece of Human heart soon, guys.

But for the moment here is the last short movie we have done with Yumi Sonoda that has received an Award in Montreal for the best music video


Disturbingly Good


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