The press release says that Empiric is a Spanish Heavy Metal band. However, Encyclopaedia Metallum states that at least bassist Luís Mariutti lives in Sao Paulo (Brazil). Anyway, “The Seven Laws“, the band’s second album, was released in April 2024. I really liked the album. To find out more, I asked the musicians a few curious questions. Mastermind JP has taken the time to answer this question.

MHF: Hi, I’m Rainer and I write for Metalheads Forever Magazine. Thank you for letting me do this interview with you. How are you doing?

JP: Hi Rainer, this is JP. I’m great, thanks!

MHF: I have found different information about the origin of the band. Spain or Spain/Brazil. Please introduce yourselves briefly.

JP: Empiric is my personal project and I am based in Spain right now. Brazilian bass legend Luis Mariutti played on this album, as well as other musicians from England, The USA, Mexico, Chile, Germany and Spain.

MHF: The band was founded in 2018. How did you get together?

JP: I founded Empiric started as a band many years ago but, for different reasons, I ended up working on my own and I invite different musicians to record and play live when I need to.

MHF: In April, you released your second album “The Seven Laws” on your own. Isn’t it a lot of work to take care of everything yourself, from production to promotion?

JP: It is. It took me three years since I started writing the songs until the release of the album and now, I’m also busy with the promotion. It’s challenging and exhausting sometimes but the reward and satisfaction from the work well done is well worth it.

MHF: You were able to win over a number of high-calibre musicians for the recordings. How did the contacts come about? And how did the recordings go?

JP: I already knew some of them from my many years working in the music world. With some others, I had contact through social media and some more were just lucky coincidences. All the recordings were made remotely. I sent them the demos I had prepared and they recorded their parts in their studios. Then I put it all together and Fredrik Nordström put the final touch at Studio Fredman, in Sweden.

MHF: Are you happy with the result?

JP: I am extremely happy and proud with the final result. It has exceeded my expectations and It’s an honour and a pleasure to have all these amazing musicians, who I respect and admire, as part of my music. It’s a dream come true for me.

MHF: What was the reaction from the press and fans?

JP: It’s been amazing. I haven’t received a single bad review or comment so far, which makes me very happy because it means that I’ve created something good that people like. It makes me very proud.

MHF: Will you also be presenting the new album live, even outside your home country?

JP: I am currently busy with the promotion but at the same time I am starting to talk to people to play some shows. Hopefully we can play live in many different places. We’ll keep you updated.

MHF: There are six years between your two most recent albums. Will fans have to wait that long again for the follow-up?

JP: I hope not. I actually have a couple of new songs already so I hope the next release will come out pretty soon.

MHF: Thank you once again for this interview. Is there anything else you would like to say to the fans at the end?

JP: I encourage everyone to give “The Seven Laws” a try. Listen to it and enjoy it and if you want to support my work so I can keep releasing more material, you can buy a CD, LP or digital album on Bandcamp, or make a donation through Spotify. Thank you Rainer for the support. Hope to see you soon!

Empiric are:

Luís Mariutti – Bass
Chus Gancedo – Drums
JP aka Juan Pablo Agudelo Cardona – Guitars, Vocals


Empiric – Album 2018
The Seven Laws – Album 2024

Social Media:

Bandcamp – 
Facebook –
Homepage –
Twitter (X) –
YouTube –


Disturbingly Good


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