Venue: Niederdeutsche Bühne Neumünster – Livestream
Date: September 26th, 2020

I saw one of the first streaming concerts in this series with the medieval rockers Incantatem. And that Saturday it was obviously the last show. This time there was Hard Rock on the ears. Devil’s Breakfast also originate from Neumünster. They have been active with the current lineup for three years. A self-titled EP was also released during this period. The new album “Evil Ways” is finished and should be released on October 24th.

So that evening the five-piece Hard Rock outfit presented songs from the EP and the new album. Bands like Guns’n Roses, Aerosmith or Mötley Crüe are named as influences. Fortunately, the Northern Lights have developed their very own style from it. Two guitars provide the sound, bass and drums provide the rhythm. In addition, a singer who does not try desperately to imitate celebrities. I was particularly impressed by the acoustic ballad “Tennessy Rye”. Some fans of the band were in the hall for this show. And makes itself heard loudly. Hopefully, I will soon be able to experience Devil’s Breakfast “really” live.

On the positive side, the stream and sound were very good this time. There was also a great light show. It’s a shame that this series of events has now come to an end. But maybe the concert heroes will also go into extra time.

- Let´s Go Wild
- Cock Rock Basterdz
- Slinky Vixen
- Black Pearl (vom neu erscheinenden Album)
- Buy the farm (vom neu erscheinenden Album)
- Tennessy Rye
- Good Old No. 7 (vom neu erscheinenden Album)
- Evil Ways (vom neu erscheinenden Album)
- Nightmare (vom neu erscheinenden Album)
- Make My Day
- All The Best (vom neu erscheinenden Album)

Dennis Krebs – Vocals
Detlef Jakubik – Lead Guitar
Hauke Jakubik – Guitar
Jan Duve – Bass
Stefan Lisius – Drums

If you want, you can watch the show again on YouTube. The show starts at about timestamp 3:30:00. The other two bands of the evening, Svennä & Morales and Seemannstochter, forgive me for not mentioning them here. But my main focus is on hard rock and heavy metal.
Images: Courtesy of the band Devil’s Breakfast and the photographer Michael Ermel
Also, this time there is the possibility to donate a little bit for the Konzerthelden and the bands performing there. So, if you want to support organizers and musicians, click on the link below: