Phantomstone is a well-seasoned, heavy and diverse Metal band reigning from Colorado. Although they have only been a band since late 2019, they all have earned their veteran badge as being musicians in the local scene and playing with other local bands from the home towns since childhood.

They emerged from the depths of darkest times to unleash a much-forgotten sense of what being original means to them as a band. Individual expression from each and every musician in the band gets showcased and highlighted only to create their own style.

Their shows can be expected to be high energy and mysterious in some way, shape or form and of course, always heavy and groovy

“We long to captivate our audience with suspense and mystery, always keeping them wondering…”

Phantomstone is: Austin Frick (Phricktion) –  Lead Vocs
                                Andy Wade (Doc) – Guitars and Vocs
                                Kelly Tussey ( KellMan) – Guitars
                                Todd (El Spidero) Dack – Bass
                                Morgan (MadMan) Mayfield – Drums and vocs


Disturbingly Good


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© 2021-2023 / Metalheads Forever Magazine / Created by Black Speech

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